Stephen N. Zack

American Bar Association / ABA

Morning Docket: 09.12.11

* In November, the Supreme Court will decide whether our Fourth Amendment rights come subject to advances in technology. I, for one, welcome our new Orwellian overlords. [New York Times] * What do you get when two wireless carriers with craptastic coverage and service that goes down more than a porn star have plans to […]

American Bar Association / ABA

Senator Boxer Keeps Pressure On The ABA

I’m telling you, the tide is turning against the American Bar Association and the weakness the organization shows when it comes to regulating law schools. People are starting to figure out that major American law schools purposely mislead prospective students about post-graduate outcomes. People are starting to figure out that the ABA hasn’t done enough […]

American Bar Association / ABA

ABA Asks Obama To Make India Play Fair

If you’ve been following along with the trend towards outsourcing over the past few years, you know what American lawyers are up against. Indian lawyers can do American legal work… while American attorneys are shut out of India’s (large and growing) legal market. As many of you know, President Obama recently fled traveled to India, […]